ACHI will work closely with host organisations to identify specialised health informatics projects that will allow candidates to utilise and develop their health informatics expertise and leadership skills. Together we will design suitable work placement opportunities for candidates.
Host organisations include government agencies and departments, NGO’s and industry in Australia and New Zealand. During the work placement an ACHI mentor will also work closely with the PhD candidate.
There are many benefits for host organisations providing work placement opportunities, such as:
- Existing Health Informatics project teams can be temporarily expanded, offering opportunities to improve efficiency and output
- New Health Informatics projects, based on the expertise of candidates, can be created
- Up-skilling permanent staff through collaborative work with candidates
- Future talent management strategies can be developed based on candidates performance and area of expertise
What’s involved?
Contractual Arrangement
Upon committing to the work placement program the host organisation will:
- Sign a Memorandum of Understanding with ACHI outlining the terms and conditions
- Pay ACHI a placement fee per candidate (AU|NZD$2,500)
- Enter into an employment contract with the candidate
- Create a job description and KPI’s for the candidate
- Arrange payment of the agreed salary to the candidate (note: the benchmark salary for a 6 month full time placement is AU|NZD$50,000 plus superannuation, however we will work within the salary frameworks outlined in existing enterprise agreements or similar)
Ongoing commitment
Once the candidate commences the work placement the host agrees to:
- Offer a comprehensive workplace induction for the candidate
- Provide the candidate with a mentor with appropriate health informatics experience and expertise
- Create an environment for the candidate to develop their leadership capabilities
- Offer the candidate regular feedback and guidance relating to work tasks and on the job performance
- Allow the candidate time to engage in the ACHI Supplementary Learning Program e.g. attend the Annual Colloquium and partipate in online master classes and journal clubs during business hours
- Engage with the ACHI Fellowship Program Manager as required
- Complete an interim and final report on the progress and outcome of the work placement
The host organisation can decide if they would like to maintain contact with the candidate once the work placement is completed.
Matching candidates with host organisations
Matching candidates to the most suitable host organisations will depend on the:
- Candidates specialised area of expertise, level of experience and interests
- Availability and location of the candidate
- Type of health informatics project the host organisation is currently working on
- Potential health informatics projects that would rely on the skill set of the candidate
- Actual job specifications and deliverables
Matching will be a collaborative effort between ACHI and the host organisation and could take anywhere from 3 months to 18 months to place the right candidate into the right position.
Note: Health Informatic projects do not necessarily need to be in the same field as the candidates PhD thesis topic.
For more information
- Download our Guide for Host Organisations
- Download our Host Organisation Fact Sheet
- Download our draft Memorandum of Understanding
- Download our draft Job Description Selection Criteria
- Download this sample Job Description – ADHA Digital Health Officer
If you are interested in discussing the Fellowship Program in more detail, or if you are considering becoming a host organisation, please complete our enquiry form.

“Our industry partners are crucial to the success of the Fellowship Program. Providing opportunities for students to utilise their health informatics skills and work on real, valuable and challenging projects will in turn develop their leadership skills as well as create tangible health informatic outcomes for our partners”.
Dr Chris Pearce (FACHI) – Former President
Australasian College of Health Informatics